Monday, August 23, 2010

More Pictures

Looking down the Kali Gandaki towards Dhaulagiri


Looking north up the Kali Gandaki into Mustang from the village of Kagbeni

Boudinath, Kathmandu

Annapurna Himal

Friday, August 6, 2010

India angers US Law Firms while saving them LOTS of $$$$$$$

Ahhhhh, the hypocracy of US business. Here's an article about US law firms outsourcing legal research that often is done by junior associates in the US at hundreds of dollars an hour, to India, where equally well trained law associates, whose English is as good as Americans (if not better), do the job for less, for the same result.

Just another example of how uncompetitive America has become, and its assumption of global privilege is sadly outdated. And why should legal services be exempted from fair a balanced competition? One commentor on the website, WSGNY states their view, one I perfectly agree with.

"Perfect knowledge," as any economist will tell you, eliminates the possibility of earning revenues in the relevant field. One does not need an adviser, consultant or lawyer when the knowledge being sought is commonly available. The outsourcing of legal research will ultimately result in a near-zero cost to obtain an informed opinion of how a court should decide any issue. When the binding and persuasive arguments are reduced to briefs written in India, only requiring endorsement by State bar members; and when litigators can argue cases, pro haec vice, by "Court-Call" from locations thousands of miles away, the costs of litigation will become affordable for everyone. It will be a welcome development when "everyman" can have his/her day in court at minimal expense."

Here's the link to the article: