Tuesday, September 27, 2011

More Tibetan suicides -

Two more Tibetans monks have set themselves on fire, in protest over the Chinese Government's interference in choosing the Dalai Lama's successor.  The Chinese Government states that they will choose the successor, that it is their right as they control Tibet, or rather as Xinhua News, the official organ of the Chinese Government would put it, there has never been a Tibet, it has always been China.  The Chinese claim they will choose the Dalai Lama's successor - his reincarnation.  This has always been done in the past by a select group of abbots and monks, who interpret various astrological signs, portents and natural phenomenon before and after the Dalai Lama's death, in particular during the 49 day period following his death called the bardo.  It is a process that can only be done by the most experienced and trained religious figures, experts in divination.  These signs lead them to an area where the next Dalai Lama will be born.  They can only find the reincarnation after he (or potentially she I guess, though this has never happened) has been born, and has attained a suitable age where the suitable candidates can be tested by choosing between objects that belonged to the former Dalai Lama, and exact replicas.

Now how the Chinese Government, which as a Maoist Democracy (one of my least favorite oxymorons) which has historically denied and denigrated religion, in particular Tibetan Buddhism, can now position itself as a body which is suitable to choose the next leader of Tibetan Buddhism is beyond me.  It is the height of hypocracy, akin to the Italian Communist Party declaring that is is the sole body capable of choosing the next Pope. It is infuriating, and just the latest step in China attempting to eradicate Tibetan Buddhism and turn it into a shell of itself, a false religion, and a puppet of the Chinese Government.  Tibetans won't stand for it, and it won't work.  Read the article to find out more ...
