Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tibetan suicides continued ...

This appeared on the International Campaign for Tibet's website.  Why is it that this is getting absolutely zero press play?  I read the SF Chronicle, and I have seen pretty much nothing.  I honestly cannot remember reading anything there.  Likewise the NY Times, the alleged leader in US journalism.  The Guardian ... hmmmm ....  Why is this?  Has the Chinese government's control over press coverage become so effective and accepted that even when the citizens of an occupied territory set themselves on fire very few outsiders, and no governments, raise their voices in protest.  Please spread this story so that more people become aware of this and more pressure is put on Hu and his government to stop the repressive tactics against Tibetans that makes them see suicide as preferable to living under Chinese occupation.

NGOs Appeal to UN Human Rights Chief over Tibetan Self-Immolation Protests

25 October, Amsterdam - Yesterday on the the occasion of the United Nations Day, 27 NGOs from 17 countries submitted the following urgent appeal to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights seeking intervention with the Chinese authorities over the recent self-immolation protests by Tibetans in Tawo and Ngapa:
24 October, 2011

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